Welcome to the Midnight Combatives Combative Concepts Blog!
Ignite the Flame of learning and self-confidence with top notch self-defense and martial arts training.
Midnight Combatives has historically shared inside knowledge and self-defense secrets only with private students of the inner circle. For the first time ever, we've decided to open our knowledge base and share some of those very secrets with the online community. Not all of our training secrets and inside knowledge can be shared here. The best will be reserved for our private students. This is just a glimpse of what you may learn, training with Midnight Combatives. These Combative Concepts have been drawn from years of experience in law enforcement, martial arts, and military training. Join out mailing list and follow our blog for regular installments of our Combative Concepts.

Midnight Combatives staff has decades of Law Enforcement experience to share with you.
When your life and safety depends on it, trust professional instructors with real-world experience.
Law Enforcement
Our staff has learned lessons the hard way! Their experience can benefit you. We've extracted the biggest and best lessons from decades of martial arts training, military training, police defensive tactics, and dealing with criminals on the street. Our instructors are subject matter experts who have met violence face-to-face. Years of interviewing victims, examining evidence, and taking violent offenders into custody, has given us the knowledge you need to protect yourself and your family from real violence. Learn from those who have seen what works up close and personal, while giving you the legal context to protect yourself with knowledge of what happens next. Our experience is unmatched by some schools who only engage in sport and traditional exercises. When your life depends on it, trait the best!
Join us now!
Follow us closely as we begin to reveal our combative concepts and the lessons learned from years of first-hand law enforcement experience.
Check our blog frequently for new updates! Contact us if you have urgent training needs, and Join Our Mailing List Now!